
Hans Kemp, founder of 02508 is experienced in managing projects from A till Z. He communicates with the client, for which he is both a strategic/creative advisor as well as a talented designer. He coordinates and manages all levels to ensure a smooth production process and outstanding results.
The best copywriters, photographers, illustrators, film makers, printers, public relation agencies, programmers and developers are members of his solid network.
All skilled perfectionists, standing up for jobs that bear 02508’s signature. This is clear effective design, fine typography, quality printwork – with an eye on a healthy environment – for advertising campaigns, brochures, magazines, corporate identities, websites, UI design, commercials, banners, smartphone/tablet apps, packaging up to audiovisual documentaries and business presentations.
In addition to business copy, Hans also writes short stories or columns if you like. In Dutch, of which here are a few examples.
Absolute Fashion, Airtrade (Australia/Nw Zealand Express), Aratus Logistics, Aruba Heineken Regatta, Jef Bosman Visual Artist, Deltaweek, Fiën Adviesgroep, Financial Study Association Amsterdam, Fysiotherapie Zijlweg 5, Gaatjesmakers, Bas Gremmen Architect, Groothuis van Alewijn Communicatie (Bodyfashion Nederland - Woningbouwvereniging Habion - Galbani - President), Kinderdagverblijf Het Vosje, KLM, Kwaliteitsconserven, Leren te Leren, Levensgenieters, Media Partners Group (AH AllerHande - Deloitte), Memo Medic, Stichting Cimacé - Cindy Kerseborn, Basisschool de Meer, Paul Simons Watches & Design (IWC - Hermes - Chronoswiss - Frederique Constant - Zentih), Studio Lingua, Wessel & Zn - Creative marketing Agency (Bochane/Bosan Renault - Result - Zwartjes), Wijnhandel Koninginneweg